Sunnyvale & Mountain View Therapy

Stacy O'Leary, LMFT

A wonderful place to feel

our connection to the Earth

Filtering by Tag: alcohol addiction

Recovery from Addiction

I recently watched The Anonymous People, an empowering movie about people in long-term recovery from addiction. Often when we think of addiction, we think of people who are struggling with active addiction, rather than people who are enjoying long-term sobriety or clean time. The movie shows the hope, joy, and self-esteem that can come with recovery.

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Alcohol Problems, Addiction & Women

When women are struggling with alcohol or other drug problems, there is often a sense of shame and isolation. Addiction can lead people to do things that go against their own values (such as being a good mother, friend, spouse, employee, etc.). It can be helpful to talk with other women who understand.

It is also common to feel confused or ambivalent.

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